Easing Anxiety through Attachment


Anxiety is becoming ever-more prevalent in countries all over the world.  Children as young as 3 are being diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorders and between 1 in 5 or 1 in 8 children and adolescents in North America qualify for a diagnosis.  With anxiety on the rise, what can we, as parents, do while our children are young to reduce their anxiety and reduce our own?

In this workshop:

🌼 Look at the neurological basis for anxiety 

🌼 See how Attachment Theory informs our understanding of anxiety in children

🌼 Learn how human development is meant to unfold to limit and manage anxiety

🌼 Learn concrete methods that we as parents can implement today to ease our children's anxieties now and insulate them from future anxiety.

This A La Carte workshop is led by certified Simplicity Parenting coach and Experienced Early Childhood Educator, Sara Norris.

For a one time purchase price of $2.99, you can enjoy this recorded workshop from the comfort of your home!

Upon purchase you will receive an email link that will remain live for 24hrs after you activate it.

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